MasterBond 400
Available in 5/10/20/50/220 Kg
MasterBond MPP SBR Latex is a ready to use bonding agent with a base of modified styrene butadiene latex. This liquid product is specially designed for spalled concrete, floors, columns, beams, slabs and small terrace serves as strong bond while plastering and to old and new concrete. Shrinkage reduction, cracking prevention, dust pick up, abrasion resistance are the salient features which makes it best typical waterproofing solution. Maintaining a maximum possible product to water ratio of 1:4 delivers best dilution thereby enhancing workability as a result of prefect dilution with zero settlement. (waterproofing acceptance material)
As a primer and bonding agent for concrete repairing.
- Provide excellent bond to concrete, adhesion plaster, stone work, etc,
- Improved tensile strength and flexural properties allows thin application
- Compactable with all common hydraulic cements
- Reduces rate of corrosion within applied on steel bars.
Shelf life is 2 years on the date of manufacturing in unopened condition. Store in a cool and dry place.
- The surface should be free from all dust, foriegn particls, loos materials or any deposits of contamination.
- The entire surface should be pre-weted with before application of “Master Bond MPP SBR Latex” ensure that the sheen of water disappears before application of Master Bond MPP SBR Latex
- To prepare a primary coat for waterproofing. Mix 1 Litre Master Bond MPP SBR Latex with 1 – 4 Litres of Water
- According to the surface, Add enough cement if required.
- To prepare a mortar mixture. (Cement 50 Kg) + (Sand 125 Kg) + (Master Bond MPP SBR Latex 6-9 Litre) + (Water 9-11 Litre)
- To prepare a slurry. (Cement 50 Kg) + (Master Bond MPP SBR Latex 10 Litre) + (Water 9.5 – 11.5 Litre)
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