Available in 5/10/20/50/220 Ltr
TrueCoat is a single component, acrylic flexible waterproofing Liquid which, when mixed with cement and water at given ratio, cures to form a tough coating with excellent water resistance, high flexibility and low vapor permeability properties.
- Tiled floors in bathrooms and kitchens.
- Foundations & basement structures, swimming pools, balconies and roof terraces.
- Portable water tanks and reservoirs, sewage tanks, inspection pits and tunnels.
- Waterproofing old and new building walls.
- 100% waterproof
- Excellent adhesion
- Flexible
- Low Vapor Permeable
- Compactable with moist surface
- Robust.
- Shelf life is 2 years on the date of manufacturing in unopened condition.
- Store in a cool and dry place.
- Mixing ratio: 1 part of liquid to 2 parts of cement.
- The surface should be free from all dust, foriegn particles, loose materials or any deposits of contamination.
- The entire surface should be pre-weted with before application of TrueCoat ensure that the sheen of water disappears before application of TrueCoat.
- TrueCoat is supplied in pre-meassured units and should be mixed on site utilizing clean containers.
- Slowly add the cement to the liquid and mix, using a low speed (300rpm) drill fitted with a suitable paddle. (Do not mix more material than can be used in one hour.)
- Using a short, stiff bristle brush or roller.
- Trowel application can be undertaken as necessary.
- 2 coat of 30-40 sqft. with 1 Litre TrueCoat
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When you hire us for our services, you know you’re getting highly qualified professionals who have the expertise and experience to make sure your project is done properly
and functions.